Thursday, September 08, 2005

NTFS File System and System Security

After I installed Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition in my computer, I had been busy exploring this wonderful Operating System. I had lent a book 'Missing Manuals' on XP from my local British Council Library and started studying it. This book turned out to be very handy to comprehend this OS.

I had always stressed on System Security, Disk Management & Optimization. But unfortunately, after formatting my C drive and installing the OS, I found out that I had chosen the FAT32 file system during formatting while the NTFS file system (browse the other webpages in the given link for detailed information) is far more advanced in terms of security and data revovery. So I was a bit depressed....But Google, my dearest friend solved the problem for me.......

Here is the link from Microsoft itself stating the mechanism how to switch over to the NTFS file system, without even reformating the drive. It solved all the problems for me. Now I really feel like an Administrator of my system !

You can also checkout these Microsoft pages :

1. Choosing between NTFS, FAT & FAT32.
2. NTFS Technical Reference.


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